In Operation

Tomasa MHPP

Tomasa site is a run-of-river hydropower plant located in the city of Poso, Central Sulawesi. Construction began in 2016 and the plant is on track to be commercially operational by October 2019.The installed capacity of the plant is 10.0 MW with an estimated annual energy output of 63,072 MWh. 

The design discharge is 4.5 m3/sec with 258 meters of net head. The weir elevation is 590 meters above sea level, where it will divert water to the intake then to the desedimentation basin. It will go through an open channel waterway before going into the penstock. Two units of Voith pelton turbines are used for this power plant.

Detail Project


10 MW


In Operation


Central Sulawesi

Net Head

258 meter

Turbine Type

Horizontal Pelton Turbine

Turbine Manufacture
